Swimming pool cleaning (Commercial and Domestic)

Establishing a cleaning routine for your swimming pool can be a tedious but important aspect of pool safety and maintenance. Whereas swimming pools present a get away from everyday life, an exercise outlet and fun times, they also present a hidden danger if the chlorinated pool of fun goes untreated or unmaintained.

While pool chemicals are available to solve almost all water problems, they can be dangerous if handled improperly. They can cause skin diseases, eye infection and damage and can even be fatal if swallowed. At Kleeneat Services, we offer regular scheduled swimming pool cleaning services that include but are not limited to emptying skimmer baskets, washing down cartridges, maintaining water chemistry, testing of water PH and emergency cleaning for pool water gone green.

This service is provided to schools, residences, hotels and resorts, embassies and foreign missions

team img
Hygiene 100%
Professionalism 80%
Experience 90%
Customer Satisfaction 70%
array (size=4)
  'type' => integer 8192
  'message' => string '__autoload() is deprecated, use spl_autoload_register() instead'
  'file' => string '/home/reflexco1/public_html/kleen/offers/wp-includes/compat.php'
  'line' => integer 502